中图分类号:G841.73 文献标识码: B 文章编号:1006-7116(2001)02-0068-03
Study on the win-loss rule of all previous matches between China and South Korea women-basketball teams JING Yi-heng
(Department of Physical Education,Tianshui Normal College,Tianshui 741000,China) Abstract:By means of statistics and comparison on performance of all previous international matches which both China and South Korea woman-basketball teams took part in, it was found that women-basketball team ability of China was higher than that of South Korea in all previous world tournament matches and Olympic Games and the situation was converse in all previous Asian matches and the win-loss changes abided by the rule to some extent. it was hoped that our serious study on this rule can provide women-basketball team of China the beneficial assistance and more thoughts. Key words: basketball circle;basketball match;women-basketball team of China;women-basketball team of South Korea;win-loss rule