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谢成柏 |
浏览次数 36252
(娄底师范专科学校 体卫系,湖南 娄底417000) 摘要:根据我国体育运动是由国家体育总局统管国家最高水平运动队伍的国情,田径运动人才也应由国家体育总局统一归口管理,排除不利因素,改革教练员管理制度和田径运动训练方法,充分发挥各级工会组织体育职能作用,加强年青教练员(体育教师)的基层骨干作用,努力提高全民族运动技术水平。 关键词:人才分流走失;遗传基因;天赋素质;战略眼光;中国 中图分类号: G820.3 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-7116(2001)02-0073-03 |
Restriction and developing conception of Chinese track and field XIE Cheng-bai |
(Department of Physical Education and Health ,Loudi Normal School, Loudi 417000,China) Abstract:For all the best sport teams are managed by the national sports general bureau, the talents of track and field also should do that. The general bureau should remove unfavorable factors, reform management system of coaches and training methods of track and field, bring the sport function of labor unions into full play, strengthen the effects of young coaches, and do best of improve the sport skill level of nationality. Key words: talent lost; hereditary gene; innate quality; strategic insight;China |
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