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王伟平 |
浏览次数 36481
(内蒙古民族大学 体育系,内蒙古 通辽市 028000) 摘要:通过对乒乓球运动技术的达标技评、理论知识、运动表象的清晰性、完整性等进行了研究得出结论:乒乓球正手快攻技术自学辅导教学能使学生在理论成绩、运动表象的完整性和清晰性上优于传统教学的效果;自学辅导教学能够更好促进运动基本技术的形成和掌握;教学方法符合大学生的心理特点,能够调动学生的积极性,同时也充分发挥了教师的主导作用;自学辅导教学对学生自学能力、教学能力等多种能力的培养、提高可起到积极作用。关键词:正手快攻技术;自学辅导教学;教学能力;乒乓球 中图分类号:G846.2 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-7116(2001)03-0037-03 |
Research on the new methode of forehand fast drive WANG Wei-ping |
(Department of Physical Education Inner Mongolia National Unive rsity,Tongliao 028000,China) Abstract:Following the development of education,we have st udied much on new educational methods by means of literature review,investigatio n and experiment.Subjects are from Beijing P.E University.The results show that forehand fast drive is much better than that of the traditional's and it can als o help the players to master the skills and use them freely and gain rapid progr ess. Key words:forehand fast drive;supplementary education of learn ing by oneself;ability of teaching;PingPong |
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