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蔡新丰,林文弢,吴河海,顾伟农,许铭,李仲明,阮怀云 |
浏览次数 36274
(广州体育学院 电话教育中心,广东 广州 510075) 摘要:通过多媒体组合教学等方法,对我院体操、排球、蛙泳等技术课进行了教学试验,比较深入地探索了技术课电化教学的特点、方法与手段、教学效果,结果表明:电教媒体能符合术科教学特点和教学目标的要求,具有直观性、科学性、高效性和易操作性,各媒体多元化、立体型优化组合,可互为取长补短,使教育传播处于最佳状态,为体育院系技术课多媒体教学提供科学的依据与实用的手段和方法。 关键词:技术课教学;多媒体教学;水下拍摄;微型教学; 中图分类号:G807.4 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-7116(2001)04-0125-04 |
Researching for multimedia instruction measure and methodin t he physical training classes of institute of physical education CAI Xin-feng, LIN Wen-tao, WU He-hai, GU Wei-nong, XU Ming, LI Zhong-ming, RUAN Huai-yun |
(Centre of Telephone Education, Guangzhou Institute of Phy sical Education, Guangzhou 510075,China) Abstract: Trial training classes of gymnastics, volleyball and breaststroke are conducted by means of multi-media instruction so as to make a deep study of the measures and techniques, features and effects of such class es. It is revealed that multi-media instruction meets the need of training and t he educational requirements with visual, scientific and effective means, and hel ps take the advantages of different media to produce the most possible training proficiency. This research is intended to provide institutions of physical education with scientific basis and some practical ways and techniques for multi-medi a instruction. Key words: physical training classes; multi-media instruction; underwater photograph technical; micro-teaching |
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