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宋尽贤1,季克异2,王崇喜3 |
浏览次数 35990
(1.中国学校体育研究会,北京 100088;2.教育部 体育艺术与卫生教育司,北京 100816;3.河南大学 体育学院,河南 开封 475001) 摘要:分析了全国第九届中学生运动会科学论文报告会报送的1 950篇论文,指出此次论文报告会呈现出论文数量多、研究领域广、注重理论与实践的结合、紧密围绕体育课程改革、对农村体育和西部学校体育日益关注及体育法规研究不断深入的特点,丰富和发展了学校体育理论研究。同时认为此次报告会论文存在分散研究偏多、有关改革的重大课题研究偏少,缺乏相关学科最新理论成果的有力支持;有些研究设计不够严谨以及分析论证不够深入,限于表面现象的描述等问题。 关键词:中小学体育;体育科研;科学发展观;论文综述 中图分类号:G812.6 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-7116(2006)01-0001-03 |
To develop a scientific vision of development and boost the development of scientific researches on physical education in elementary and high schools SONG Jin-xian1, JI Ke-yi2, WANG Chong-xi3 |
(1.China Research Association of School Physical Education, Beijing 100088,China; 2.Educational Department of Art and Physical Education and Sanitation, Education Minsty, Beijing 100816,China; 3.College of Physical Education, Henan University, Kaifeng 475001,China) Abstract: The authors analyzed 1 950 theses submitted to the Seminar of Scientific Theses on the Ninth National High School Sports Games, pointed out that this thesis seminar presented the following characteristics: The quantity of theses was huge; the range of research areas was wide; the combination of theory and practice was valued; the research topics were closely related to physical education curriculum reform; attention was increasingly focused on physical education in rural areas and western schools; researches on sports legislations were going increasingly further. The authors considered that this seminar had enriched and developed theoretical researches on scholastic physical education. In the mean time, the authors considered that the following issues existed in this seminar: Dispersive theses were kind of too many; topic researches on major issues in the reform were kind of too few; there was a lack of support favorable for latest theoretical achievements in related subjects; some research designs were not precise enough; analysis and argumentation were not profound enough, and limited to the description of superficial phenomenon. Key words: physical education in elementary and high schools; scientific research on physical education; scientific vision of development; overview of theses
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