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李会增1, 张旭尧1, 王向东1, 王玉扩1, 赵立强2 (河北科技师范学院 1.体育系; 2.数理系,河北 秦皇岛066004) 摘要:遵循“能力与职业活动相适应”的原则,从体育教师特有的技术、资源、教学活动及教师自我发展4个方面进行教师能力分析,确立了能力的8项一级指标和48项二级指标。其中能力的内涵包括:体育教学、体育科研、指导训练、创新发展4项指标;能力的外延包括:教书育人、健康教育、社会交往、管理工作4项指标。 关键词:高校;体育教师;能力资源;能力标准 中图分类号:G807.01 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-7116(2006)03-0087-04 |
A preliminary study of capability resource standard for physical education teachers in universities and colleges LI Hui-zeng1, ZHANG Xu-yao1, WANG Xiang-dong1, WANG Yukuo-1, ZHAO Li-qiang2 |
(1.Department of Physical Education; 2.Department of Mathematics and Physics, Hebei Science and Technology Normal Institute, Qinhuangdao 066004,China) Abstract: By applying methods such as literature data analysis and investigation, and following the principle of “adapting capability to occupational activities”, the authors analyzed physical education teacher’s distinctive capabilities in terms of technology, resource and teaching activity and teacher’s self development, and established 8 level 1 capability indexes and 48 level 2 capability indexes, including 4 primary capability indexes, namely, physical education teaching, physical education research, instruction and training, as well as innovation and development, and 4 extended capability indexes, namely, student teaching and talent cultivation, health education, social communication, and management work. Key words: universities and colleges; physical education teachers; capability resource; capability standard |
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