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王玲, 孙金蓉 |
浏览次数 3814
(武汉理工大学 体育部,湖北 武汉430070) 摘要:根据社会学统计原理与方法,构建了大学体育课新项目评估体系,并应用到健身街舞的教学实验中,对这一新兴热门项目进行评估,探讨课程开设的必要性。结果表明:用模糊综合评定法对新项目进行评估是科学有效的,具有广阔的推广及应用前景。 关键词:大学体育; 体育课新项目; 评估体系; 评估量表; 模糊综合评定 中图分类号:G806文献标识码:A文章编号:1006-7116(2006)04-0089-03 |
Establishment and application of a college physical education course new event evaluation system WANG Ling1, SUN Jinrong2 |
(Department of Physical Education,Wuhan University of Technoilogy,Wuhan 430070,China) Abstract:According to the principle and method of sociological statistics,the authors established a college physical education course new event evaluation system,and applied it to the fitness dance teaching experiment,so as to evaluate this emerging event and probe into the necessity to open such a course. The results of their research indicate that using the fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method to evaluate new events is scientific and effective and provided with great prospect for popularization and application. Key words:college physical education; new events in physical education courses; evaluation system; evaluation measuring form; fuzzy comprehensive evaluation |
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