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曾丽 |
浏览次数 3627
(广州体育学院 外语教研室,广东 广州510500) 摘要:从大学英语四、六级考试体制改革概要入手,重点介绍了大学英语四、六级考试的新信息及新题型,并在分析了体育院校本科学生的特点和英语学习现状的基础上,提出了大学英语四级的应考策略和训练方法。 关键词:大学英语四级考试新题型; 体育院校; 应考策略; 训练方法 中图分类号:G8070文献标识码:A文章编号:1006-7116(2006)04-0095-03 |
New types of problems in level 4 CET as well as test preparation strategies and training methods for undergraduates studying in physical education institutes of higher learning ZENG Li |
(English Teaching and Research Section,Guangzhou Institute of Physical Education,Guangzhou 510500,China) Abstract:Starting from the summary of levels 4 and 6 College English Test (CET) system reform,the author focused on introducing the new information and new types of problems in levels 4 and 6 CET,and put forward level 4 CET preparation strategies and training methods based on her analysis of the characteristics and current English learning situation of undergraduates studying in physical education institutes of higher learning. Key words:new types of problems in level 4 CET; physical education institutes of higher learning; test preparation strategy; training method |
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