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宋杰,归明 |
浏览次数 35993
(山东理工大学 体育系,山东 淄博255013) 摘要:对山东省17市部分社区健身器械使用情况调查分析得出结论:山东省城市社区的健身器械没有发挥相应的作用,器械利用率不高,健身器械的维护不及时,影响了社区居民健身的效果,需采取积极有效的措施加以改进。 关键词:城市社区; 全民健身; 健身器械; 山东省 中图分类号:G818.3 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-7116(2002)04-0042-03 |
A research and analysis of the body-building apparatus utilizations in urban communities of Shandong Province SONG Jie, GUI Ming |
(Department of Physical Education,Shandong University of Technology,Zibo 255013,China) Abstract: Rational utilization and effective management of body-building apparatus are two major factors influencing the healthy development of mass fitness activities in urban communities. The authors of this paper, employing interviews, polling, mathematical statistics, documentations and etc., made a research on the utilizations of body-building apparatus in some communities in 17 cities and areas of Shandong province, and arrived at the following conclusions: the body-building apparatus does not play its due roles, the present utilization rate is low, and the untimely maintenance influences the body-building activities in urban communities. Therefore, active and effective measures should be taken to improve the present conditions. Key words: urban community;national keeping-fitness; body-building apparatus;Shandong Province |
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